So this shoot was shot in mid December and with most popular locations, I find I really wanted to think outside the box so my images don't get lost amongst the others online, especially as Instagram was flooded with pictures from Tate Britain. I wanted to find new angles, something original which can be a challenging task when everyone has the same idea. So I explored different perspectives as well as experimenting with a different editing style. I wanted these images to have a fun playful and colourful feel.
If you haven't made it down to Tate Britain yet, I have double checked and the installation is available till the 28 February and well worth braving the cold. I think I have visited this location with various friends and clients at least five times and each visit still brought me so much joy. The celebration of bright lights and bold colours lifted my mood.
What a way to end the week! My iPhone weather app had predicted snow, it left me disappointed... Until today! I waited all week. Today was just magic!
I know I shouldn't get so excited over snow but how incredible was today? I don't think I have seen such a heavy fall in London. Of course, like the rest of my neighbours, I grabbed my coat and scarf to enjoy the weather. Somehow managed to go on a three hour walk. It felt like I was exploring a snow globe and suddenly my local park, Clapham Common, looked different. It was a welcome change to the repetitive lifestyle of lockdown 3.0. I took my film cameras out and can not wait to get the rushes back! Took one selfie as I was enjoying the moment, listening to my footprints on the newly settled snow and watched children build snowmen. I hope you all had a wonderful day. I did. :) So this week I thought I would complete my taxes. In reality I found every excuse possible not to complete this task. I deep cleaned the flat, spent many hours entertaining the bunny, and had a quick photo shoot before I got ready for date night (at home). I was given these stunning earrings for my birthday and (as I had been feeling a little unmotivated) decided it was time to make a little more effort for our Saturday night dinner. Even though I opted for the staple, jeans and a nice top combination, these earring added a little extra sparkle to brighten my evening. I hadn't picked up my camera this week, but I grabbed a few images as I had an idea brewing. Wasn't exactly what I had originally envisioned but sometimes you have to experiment to make an idea come to life and it felt so good just picking up my camera.
Keep this short and sweet for you this week as I really just wanted to see how we are all doing? Lockdown 3.0 is in full swing and I am just trying to get through each day as it comes. I am excited for our daily walks and testing all the local takeaway hot chocolates. So grateful to have so many local parks and I try to time my walks/runs for optimum puppy watching. My inbox is always open if you need a chat. Sharing some images I took last year with Tess Montgomery. We had a morning shoot and thought we would make the most of the winter fog. I have been using this extra time to push my editing skills although I still need to finish my taxes.
weekly musing from Rosalind Alcazar Photography