Well I am currently meant to be packing for my holiday (I leave tomorrow morning) and instead I am creating more chaos. My latest internet addiction is Pinterest. What is it about this website which can turn minutes into hours?
I have started following a few photographic blogs online and recently received an email with a collection of food photography. Some of these photographs were just beautiful and got me thinking that I should have a go. I had an editing job and spent the week attached to my trusty computer and thought that this challenge could not have come at a better time. Happy 1 year anniversary little Miss Blog! I still can not believe it was a year ago that I decided to give myself the challenge of keeping a blog. To start with, I wanted a regular excuse to ensure I picked up my camera and captured something inspiring. So it is not on my door step but The Kennington, located in Oval is well worth the short trip out of SW12. I have been lucky to have shared many special occasions here including Christmas, friend's birthday parties, Halloween (which you can read about here if you missed it the first time http://rozalcazar.weebly.com/1/post/2012/10/any-excuse-for-a-dress-up.html ) and New Years Eve. I first meet the owners and mangers Lee and Steve when I worked in my old bar which was their local. After some time, many drinks and a few crazy locks in we became friends. |
weekly musing from Rosalind Alcazar Photography