So I am currently in Scotland and shot a wedding yesterday which was beautiful. I am however, feeling a touch tired today so thought I would write about a shoot I had earlier this week. I have a few spots I like to use as locations in central London but as the city opens back up some of these areas are under construction. I arrived early and went for a little walk to see what was available. I walked past this pub which had stools outside and instantly saw the potential of this spot. It reminded me of the mood board I had been sent. We asked the manager if we were able to take some quick snaps and I thought I would share with you a picture. You can see my iPhone snap from my walk below. I am very much looking forward to editing these images.
So I know it is Monday and not Sunday but I had an event yesterday and was shattered. I literally sat on my sofa trying to find words but nothing made sense. So thought I would call it a night and try again today. This actually worked in my favour, as I was going through an old hard drive and I found work from a test shoot in 2016. It was interesting to look back at my work and see how much it has changed. Still love shooting on my 85mm lens. I have used lockdown to push my editing skills and try and get out of my comfort zone. Always something to learn and experiment with new techniques. With this in mind I reedited an image and thought I would ask which one do you prefer? I remember I loved the bright bold colours but now I am also loving the warmer filmic tones.
Realised I hadn't shared these images from a recent test shoot. My very talent niece Isabella Alcazar recently graduated from The Iver makeup Academy, at Pinewood Studios, check out her work here. Anyway, we organised a shoot and London being London, the weather turned but even the rain didn't stop us. These might just be some of my favourite images. I have decided to try and organise a test shoot every month as it was so much fun to get creative.
Always a pleasure working with Jai and I was super excited to work with him for his new single Devotion which you can watch here. I took some behind the scenes pictures as well as promotional stills for marketing. I have wanted to experiment with coloured gels and well this shoot ticked all those boxes and more. It was such a fun day and I am impatient for our next shoot together in eight days but who is counting.
weekly musing from Rosalind Alcazar Photography