So I am going to start by writing this is not a sponsored posted. I feel lockdown has really made it clear just how important good customer service is and bar Elba ticked all the right boxes. First time leaving our neighbourhood for a social distance social engaement. So we booked two tickets to see Ferris Bueller Day Off, an 80's classic, as an open air experience. Risky business with London weather but I have to say the area was protected against wind and everyone had their own headphones. You're sat on socially distanced deck chairs and are given popcorn and sweets upon arrival as well as a cocktail! The attention to detail was insane, and the only thing I could add is butter popcorn next time pretty please. :) Such an amazing atmosphere. We stayed for another drink after the film I and can not thank the staff enough. Everyone was so lovely. I am already looking into other movie options and screenings takes place until October. Find out mored details here.
So before lockdown I was lucky enough to get my test roll 35mm film back and very happy to start shooting film again. During lockdown I tried to get into the habit of keeping my film camera with me if I ventured out. To create a little diary of the summer that seemed to disappear. During lockdown, I kept myself busy by reading, rewatching old classic films as well learning new skills. I bought a bike and started to see more of London. One sunny day, Chris and I cycled into town to see what central London looked like. It was a very surreal experience cycling down an empty Bond street, with shops boarded up for protection. Social distance meet ups in the common helped keep the sanity at bay. Anyway, it was so much fun looking at these moments as life starts to get back on track. This time has taught me to appreciate the small moments within a day.
It is late as my friends surprised me after work and we got carried away, but this week I thought I would share a video piece I shot. It is in portrait ratio as it was for Instagram reels but for the first time in a long while I had the visual concept in my head before I shot. I wanted to talk about inspiration and how, to start with, I often work with a shot list and story board, but then as I was hired for live events I found I needed to stay alert and turn up to a job and see what story presented itself. I feel this experience has helped me become a better shooter as I am alway open to ideas. Anyway, I had this vision in my head and I wanted to bring it to life, definitely recommend Greg and his cocktails. Order yours here. It was super lovely to escape my neighbourhood and head to Mayfield Lavender field for a little adventure. I must confess, this has been on my shooting list wish list for awhile so was excited to finally tick that box. A sea of purple was exactly what the doctor ordered. Such a lovely morning spent walking around enjoying the scenery.
weekly musing from Rosalind Alcazar Photography