Location shoots can be really exciting and this was no exception. It was the first day of a five day shoot in various locations throughout the UK. We were lucky to get permission to film at Duxford Air Museum, Cambridge. We were up close and personal with an original Spitfire from 1942. I must say, it was a pretty incredible experience.
One of the best things to do in London is join the tourists and go explore the wonderful markets on offer. I have already written a blog about Borough Market which you can catch here if you missed it (http://rozalcazar.weebly.com/1/post/2013/01/tourist-for-the-day.html). Another good place to visit is Spitafields Markets. I just love the eclectic range of stalls. You can find some serious treasure here. It was on one of these days that I found a beautiful 8 mm film camera that I just had to have. I have been meaning to order film for a test shoot but to be totally honest I bought it because I just thought it was so beautiful. Now I know it isn't everyone's must have object but I find the camera so inspiring. I just fell in love with the design, they certainly don't make cameras like this any more.Not sure about you, but I have always been a little camera shy. As far as I can remember I have always preferred taking the photos and not being in them, unless I am pulling a face but that is another story. This little piece is different as I am the subject matter. I asked my boyfriend to take some new head shot for me as I wasn't happy with the ones I took myself. I think I am still learning to like my own pictures and found that I am my own worest critic. Anyway, this experience was valuable to me as I think you need to have good communication with your subject to put them at easy and also create the right shot. A lot can be said about directing your model to look up a little to the left etc, all these subtle elements can create a more aesthetically pleasing picture. My good friend Kira escaped to New York to marry her soul mate. As true American's Kira and John always welcome you with open arms and regularly provide excellent company, no matter what the social occasion. Obviously we wanted to get them a little something special for their big day. Both Kira and John love whiskey so there really was no other choice, we went to heaven on earth aka the Whiskey Exchange to find them the perfect drop. This may just be one of my favourite shops in London. If you haven't been I suggest you check it out immediately. You can find more details here http://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/ |
weekly musing from Rosalind Alcazar Photography